Welcome to D'Evelyn Jr Sr High School Athletic Registration!


STEP 1: Get a Sports Physical

Students in grades 9-12 registering for athletics must have a current physical examination on file with the Athletic Office before the student is authorized to participate in practice/tryouts. Physicals are current for 12 months from the date of the last exam but... PLEASE NOTE: TOO MANY PARENTS ARE REGISTERING THEIR STUDENT WITHOUT A VALID PHYSICAL!!! I will not register any student that has a blank physical or physical that will expire on/before tryout date. Make sure you check your student's phyical date before you register!

  • If you don't have a current sports physical, make an appointmet with your doctor during June or early July to get in before the rush. You will need to upload a copy of the file during Step 4 of the registration process. HERE IS A FORM TO BRING TO YOUR PHYSICIAN.
  • If you have a current physical on file at DHS, please enter the date of the physical in Step 4;  you will not need to upload a copy of  the physical. If you are unsure of the date, please email Beth Raczynski
  • Please make sure to see a doctor 1:1. No Televisits or Zoom visits will be accepted.

STEP 2: You will need your student's Jeffco Student ID to register.

Students who attend a Jeffco school already have a Student ID number.

If your student is new to Jefferson County, is a home-schooled student, or attends a private school, and plans to participate in sports at D'Evelyn Jr. Sr. High School (or any Jeffco high school), they will need a Jeffco Student ID. If your student attended pre-school, kindergarten, or any grade at a Jeffco school years ago, they already have a Jeffco ID. To find out what it is, please contact Mrs. Raczynksi and she can look that up for you. Call her at 303-982-1890. Do not create another Jeffco account!

For non-attending athletes please fill out the following forms (Academic and Behavioral Contracts) then bring them into the Athletic office. Forms may be found on the drop down tab labeled "Other Forms and Handbook".

If you are certain your student never attended a Jeffco school, you will need to obtain your ID by creating an account using enrolljeffco.org   Please head over to that site to start your process by following the following steps.


1)     Go to enrolljeffco.org  

2)     Click the purple enrolljeffco button

3)     Enter their parent email

4)     Enter their contact info to create an account

5)     Check their email to set their password

6)     Add their student, using the magenta “Add Student”

7)     Apply for Out of District Athlete

8)     Once accepted (see attached directions) they will get a link to OLR –(On Line Registration) to fill out the info we used to collect in JCON.

9)     This will be reviewed and then they will receive an ID number


***Please make sure you mark IN PERSON when that option becomes available, then NOT INTERESTED IN ALTERNATE SETTINGS.

Once you are at the portion that says SELECT SCHOOL- you will need to scroll down to the bottom and OUT OF DISTRICT ATHLETE is at the bottom of the options list.

Additional Information

  • If your high school athlete received an "F" grade in any high school class, they should plan on re-taking the class online or attend summer school so that it doesn't interfere with sports eligibility or graduating.
  • Once the registration program opens in late July, it may take approximately 72 hours for your registraion to be approved to tryout/practice.
  • Once approved, you will be able to pay the $185 Jeffco Athletic fee online via JeffcoConnect. 


Welcome to D'Evelyn High School Athletic Registration

You will need your student's Jeffco Student ID to complete the registration. Do you have a valid physical??? Please make sure the date of physical is valid at the date of tryouts. If not, then please note that your student will NOT registered/placed on roster or be able to tryout.  

Click the icon below to begin

Athletic Team Registration


If you have questions or need assistance with the registration, please contact:

Adam Kelsey- Athletic Director
Phone: (303) 982-
Beth Raczynski - Athletic Secretary
Phone: (303) 982-1890